With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas and New Year’s quickly approaching, I think back to many great people that have walked through the doors of EXSP and have touched my life in so many great ways. I will never forget leaving my job as an exercise tech with a physical therapy company to start EXSP. Over the past 12 years I can honestly say I don’t go to work just to collect a paycheck. I go to work because I love what I do each and every day. I look at so many people around America who complain about their job and how unhappy they are because they just punch a time clock and they really never feel that satisfaction of working. I know that in life we have to do things we do not like, but if you don’t like your job or are unsatisfied by it, do something about it and make a change. You are only on this earth for a short period of time. No one and I mean no one except GOD knows when it is your time to go. As long as you are here make it enjoyable and do the things that bring enjoyment to your life. Work hard to be a productive citizen of this society. Help others not because you are forced to but because you want to help make a difference in their life. Stop relying on others (aka the Government) to do what we as humans should do for each other and that is help bring people up to greatness. Now I do not mean just give a bunch of handouts to people, but we should help them realize that we are all put on this earth by GOD to do something great. There are just too many of us that have forgotten why we are here. During this time leading up to Christmas and New Year’s, find what it is that you are passionate about and then go and do that. Make a difference in a person’s life, that does not mean you make it easier but you help them realize with greatness comes struggle. With that struggle the reward will be well worth it. Now go and unleash that potential on the rest of world.

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