Programs at exsp


Call with Coach

This call is for anyone looking for advice on strength, speed, health or any other concerns with working out.After you complete payment, you will be redirected to our scheduling page. Coach Brix will send an email with your information before the call.

$25.00 for 20 min call

Private Training with Coach

If you are looking for that one on one option to help take your athletic ability, fitness level or health to the next level then this is what you need to sign up for. One on one, 2-1 and 3-1 training available.

30 min consultation with Coach Brix –  $40.00

Book 30 minutes to get an in-person assessment of any injuries you may have. Coach Brix will help you walk away with a game plan to get you back to 100%!

After payment is complete, click on the “Book Appointment” to schedule your time.

Non EXSP Client:

All Current EXSP Clients:

Kingdom Combat Training at EXSP


The Kingdom Combat Training

$20/Week – Per Person | Starting August 25th
Sunday 3:00 – 4:00 pm | Thursdays 7:40 – 8:40 pm

It’s a military self-defense system rooted in Krav Maga, MuayThai, Hapkido & Fillipino Dirty Boxing. This system will help enable an individual to defend one’s self with minimum effort & maximum results. You will learn effective strikes, locks, breaks & combinations that will hurt your perpetrator. You will develop an understanding of when and how to engage.

Open to Men & Women ages 12 and up
Class Max is 17 Participants

To pay in person, contact
[email protected] | 717-571-4776

EXSP Speed Camp

Training for Life Bootcamp (TFL)

Learn how to challenge yourself to be the best version of yourself, physically and mentally.

High uptempo classes to help understand how to do the exercises properly.

Have fun with a group of like minded adults to achieve their fitness goals as well as yours!

Starting January 16th, 2023
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays | 5:45 AM- 6:30 AM

Cost: $34.99 for an Unlimited Number of Sessions each Month!


The perfect gift for the fitness lover in your life!

Camps & Clinics

Explosive Training Programs

Female Training Classes

Years of Experience

I have been attending EXSP since my senior year of high school going into college. EXSP helped me prepare for the transition from high school to college. It made me “Bigger”, “Stronger”, and “Faster” and I was one of the most prepared for an incoming freshman in my class. Now in my pro career, EXSP has kept me in shape and brings the best out of me each off-season. If you want to unleash your full potential, I would highly recommend EXSP because it has helped me and still is helping me unleash my potential.
Danny Lansanah

Linebacker, Green Bay Packers / Detroit Lions

 Seasonal Training

Learn the Olympic Lifts
Doing an exercise wrong is worse than not doing it at all.  These courses will help you understand how to perform the Olympic lifts, (Power Clean, Snatch, and Clean and Press) correctly.  Learn how to explode with each movement, dominate the weight.  This is the one class you need to perform the exercise correctly, avoid injury, and develop explosive techniques.
Alpha Dog
Do you feel you have what it takes to be the top dog?  Do you want to challenge yourself to be the best you can be? EXSP Alpha Dog is the best combination of strength, power, explosion, speed, conditioning and overall fitness you can ask for. Compete with other hardcore athletes and push yourself to be better than you thought possible.  Win the competition and be crowned the top Alpha.
Combine Prep
Are you running the best 40 at every competition?  Do you want to learn a secret to improve your pro-shuttle time?   This prep course is probably the most important course a high school football player can take.  Your times could mean the difference between simply making the team and being a scholarship athlete.  Learn how to get off the line with more explosion on the 40 yard dash, how to turn with precision and accuracy on the shuttle, and explode with your vertical jump.
EXSP Programs

Please print and fill out the Registration Form prior to attending one of our clinics or camps.


Female Training with Ashley

If you’re wanting more, but not at the extreme athlete level, visit with Ashley Brixius for Female Training at EXSP.

  Personal Training

EXSP Programs
Personal Training
EXSP’s personal training packages are individualized workout programs that change every 4-6 weeks. You will also have access to EXSP trainers, who are certified in strength and conditioning, to help you through each technique and answer any questions you may have about training effectively. Our trainers are all experienced professionals, trained in kinesiology or strength and conditioning, and are all passionate about helping you reach your goals

One-on-one personal training is available with Dave, Ashley, Heather or Zech. You will receive personal attention to coach you and help achieve your athletic goals. You will schedule a time during the week with your trainer to improve your performance. Individual, 6 session and 12 session packages are available.
Small Group Training
Get a group of your friends to come and work out at EXSP with a trainer who will push you to unleash your potential.

To sign up for monthly memberships, click the link below.


And we’ll see YOU in the gym!