What is Toughness

Toughness: What is it and how do you gain it? All athletes and teams have the ability to gain and aquire toughness but few succeed. The reason is they do not dig down deep enough. There are some teams that do possess it and unleash it each and everytime they step on...

Marques Colston and Breaking Records

Many athletes have broken records over the years and the saying goes that records are ment to be broken. I am honored to have trained an athlete who has accomplished such a feat. Marques Colston did not get the fan fare deserved by many in the media. Maybe it was...


What motivates a person? It could be many things, money, fame, and opposing teams. There are many things that motivate a person. I believe motivation plays a big part in sports. Sometimes the best team does not win, because the other team becomes motivated to beat the...

Power of the mind to win or lose

I hear the saying a lot that if you think you are going to lose you will. I also hear that if you think you are going to win you will. Now these two statements are true to some extent. I wonder when a team has talent but just can never win; they always find a way to...

Looking Back

As school starts for many around the country and all the parents take pictures of their children’s first day of class. The one thing I read under every caption is “I cannot believe how fast time goes” or” so and so is already a senior etc”… This brings me back to...


Excuses I hear them all the time from athletes, coaches and parents. Why we did not play well or why we lost or why we cannot do something. Now is the time to stop. Stop making all of these excuses of why you are not successful or why you lost. 99% of the time it is...