I hear the saying a lot that if you think you are going to lose you will. I also hear that if you think you are going to win you will. Now these two statements are true to some extent. I wonder when a team has talent but just can never win; they always find a way to lose. It is almost like they do not believe they can win. Take a losing program in your area; I can name a few in my area. Teams that lose year after year after year. I think to myself is that team always that bad or do they not believe they can win. I would have to say it is the second statement. They do not believe they are going to win. They find ways to lose. Even if they are winning late in the game many of the players think how are we going to lose this game now?

The mind is so powerful that it can cause you to self destruct at the wrong time. Just when you think you are going to win you end up losing. Losing is a habit just like winning. If you are stuck on a team that loses on a consistent basis it takes a group of players to get the organization/ team out of a losing mindset. It is unfortunate this happens but it is the culture that each team has. I know a couple of teams that year after year win ball games. Some games they should not, they get out played but they find ways to win. That is because they believe they can win no matter what the situation.

We can all be like this, we have to stop having this negative attitude when it comes to our sporting events and we need to believe we can win, and work hard to achieve that. Do not allow yourself or your team experience losing on a consistent basis. It will just spread like a plague and infect everyone around you. Instead pass along the winning vibe so your team can accomplish many great things.

Unleash Your Potential.

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