The greatest machine known to man is the Human Body. Plain and simple no other machine out there can do what it does. Take a computer for example, without someone telling it what to do it does not work. If it breaks it does not repair itself, it needs an outside source to fix and tell it what to do.
Now take the Human Body it does not need someone telling it what to do, it just does it. When it needs to breath or the heart needs to beat it does it. When it wants to take a step it does it, or catch a pass it just does it. The human body can even fix itself in many instances. For example when you get a common cold, the human body will fix itself and get better almost all of the time. It also changes over time, as we get older we change. We grow bigger, stronger, and more productive in almost everything we do.
Here is a question I propose to many people, if the human body is the greatest machine then why do we neglect it. I see people everyday put tons of money into their cars, house, pools, etc…But they put almost nothing into taking care of themselves. They neglect the body the one thing that can make them feel good or bad. We as a society have forgotten that you only get one body, once the heart stops beating that is it. It is over. So why don’t we then take care of ourselves so we can live a more productive life and make the greatest machine known to man more efficent and healthier. You can also buy a new computer, car, and house. They have not come up with a way yet to give you a new body once the one you have expires.
Go out there and unleash your Potential.