The Greatest Machine Known to Man

The greatest machine known to man is the Human Body.  Plain and simple no other machine out there can do what it does.  Take a computer for example, without someone telling it what to do it does not work.  If it breaks it does not repair itself, it needs an outside...

Six Things You Need To Succeed On The Field

Every athlete needs to develop certain areas to make themselves successful.  Without one of these areas the athlete could be vulnerable and never reach their full potential. The first areas that an athlete needs is a proper and correct warm-up:  The reason for this is...

Are you training for domination or just training?

Training to be a great athlete does not mean we just go Bench Press and Squat and then all of a sudden we become a great athlete.  We need to train the correct way to get the most out of each workout.  I listen to so many athlete that they were “grinding”...

Going above expectations

Most athletes want to be remembered as great.  Many of us would like to be remembered as the best of all time at our position or the best at our sport.  The reality is most will never achieve this.  Think for a second of how many athletes there are in the world who...

The Power of FEAR

As young athletes or  young people we think we have all the time in the world to accomplish something.  We put things off that we could do now.  There are many different reasons we do this but maybe the main reason is FEAR.  Fear is such a powerful thing, it can make...