Another great explosion drill for the lower body is the two legged standing jump over the box.  This one requires you to focus on the object at hand.  You can choose any size box to jump over but a couple of areas must be addressed first.

1.  Make sure you can jump over the box so start with a low box and continually work your way up eventually you want it to be a challenge.

2.  Explode up-  Make sure you have feet shoulder width apart and knees bent then bring the knees to the chest you want to jump over the box.  (Key do not swing the legs aroud the box.  Make sure they come  up over the box)

3. Landing is just as important as the take off.  The main reason is to prevent injury.  If you land in a straight leg position then your chance of tearing your knee, ankle greatly increases your chance of injury.  So make sure you land with knees bent, butt back and head up and jump up.   I can not stress this one enough.  Learn how to land first if you do not know how.  If you do not know how send me a email or comment on this page and I will work you through it.

4.  Practice this one exercise until you get comfortable with it.  Once you feel comfortable then you can proceed to increase the height of the box to Jump over.

5.  See number 2 make sure you get the knees up and DO NOT swing them around.

Try this exerse out and also view the other exercises on this blog.  It’s time to Unleash Your Potential!

Dave Brixius

Explosive Sports Performance

Eradicate the Softness.